Technology at Roadrunner
Emphasis on Technology Training - Grades K-12
Roadrunner students of all ages will be involved in engaging technology lessons, where collaborative, inquiry-based learning will teach students how to think in college, career, and life situations. During lessons, students will focus on critical-thinking, problem solving, appropriate behavior, and effective communication skills.
In accordance with their personal skill levels and diverse learning styles, students will learn to use technology’s power to assist them in transforming knowledge and skills into products, solutions, and new information. Students will develop a love for life-long learning.
Technology hands-on lessons include:
K-1: Manipulating and clicking the mouse, placing the cursor, clicking and dragging, opening and closing applications, identifying and locating alphabet letters and numbers on the keyboard and on the screen.
2-3: Familiarity with the keyboard, demonstrating typing skills with “home row” hand position, categorizing material, locating applications, investigating safe online information, and solving educational online games.
4-6: Increasing speed and accuracy on the keyboard, determining how to play and stay safe online, how to work within pvlearners accounts, and comparing computer applications.
7-9: Organizing information, coding projects, formulating safe passwords, creating documents and slide presentations, and designing a website.
10-12: Researching vast topics, creating computer codes, searching for jobs in and out of technology fields, analyzing job criteria, evaluating personal skills, comparing job criteria with personal skills, and creating a resume.