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Health Services

Roadrunner is dedicated to providing each student the opportunity to maximize their learning potential by supporting a safe and healthy school environment through our health and nutrition programs. 

Continued reinforcement of health and nutrition education provides the foundation for students to gain the critical skills needed to adopt, practice, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

School Health Program

Roadrunner has an on-site nurse to provide first aid, maintain records, assist in special education programs and screen for diseases of the eyes, ears and teeth. The role of the school nurse is to collaborate with the educators to:

  • assess and evaluate the health and development of students

  • be the health care liaison to the student

  • counsel, educate and find resources to assist in students' health care

Communication between school and home is critical to ensure the health of the students.

Drug testing at PVSchools

Parents of middle and high school students in the PVSchools have several tools available from the district to help them ensure the health and well being of their children. 

Read more on the options available


The district does not carry insurance for student medical or dental costs if a student is injured during school activities. Parents are responsible for their children’s insurance.

An optional school-day or 24-hour accident policy is available at school through a private agency. Information on the policy is available from each school office. Information on the policy is provided as a service. The district has no connection with the insurance company. Parents may purchase insurance at any time throughout the school year.

In an emergency, the school may call paramedics who may decide that an ambulance should be called. These services are paid for by the parent.

 accident policy

Roadrunner School participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch program

Menus are analyzed annually to ensure they meet standards established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Free and reduced-price meal applications are available in our school office. For detailed information on meals and online payment, please visit our Nutrition page.